Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Way To Get Ahead At Work Is To....

The secret to getting ahead is easier than you think, especially in these times. Want to take a moment and guess the answer? Okay, I’ll count to three…
One… Two… Three…
What I find most impressive in people at work is what too many people lack. It’s not about education, although it helps. It’s not about experience. Yes, that helps too. What’s most impressive is having a strong work ethic.
Don’t be surprised. It isn’t about rocket science. It’s about coming to work on time, doing the right thing, getting along with others, doing your fair share     and then some! This is what helps get those hungry for a raise or promotion, or both, ahead of those waiting for things to happen. I remember a time when you had to have certain skills, education, even friends in the right places to ensure you were taken care of by your company. And those still help, yes. But what manager’s look for most of all is a strong work ethic.
I’ve seen people with years of sales experience, product knowledge, education, and even friends in the right place; fail in this very important area. They simply don’t appreciate their career choice, and don’t do anything about it. They become complacent and remain in a job they find dismal because they lack a desire to try something else. The result is a failure to come to work on time, refusing to participate in team-building efforts; back-stabbing co-workers who actually enjoy coming to work (imagine that!).
My latest novel, ‘Who’s Minding the Store,’ is a comedy touching base in this area as my main character, Derrick Payton, struggles with ways to improve employee morale and team spirit. He’s got a week to improve store sales or the company will shut down his store. Sound familiar? Too many of us have experienced this in recent years.
I’ve learned from experience, and watching how others do it. If you stick to basics like…
·         Come to work on time!
·         Do your job right the first time!
·         Help others when help is needed!
·         Be the go-to person that gets the job done!
…You will stand tall above others. As I describe in my book, I’ve had people back-stab me and eventually I overcame this obstacle by proving everything they said about me to be false. I accomplished this by doing my job the best I could. I did those basic things everyone expects, but seldom gets, with little effort, too. After all, how hard is it to arrive for work on time, do your job right, help others, and be reliable? When people who wanted to see me crash and burn did everything they could to destroy my reputation and sandbag my work, I simply pushed forward, kept my complaints to myself, and demonstrated consistency in my performance. Eventually people would say, “You’ve got this guy all wrong!”
And that ended that, and got me recognition. But I didn’t learn this right away. Took me a while, and I pass this information to others I see struggling at work. They don’t like working alongside people who don’t want to do anything other than write text messages and such (go figure!).
My character Derrick Payton comes up with a good plan that inspires his employees to help improve store sales (no, I’m not telling you what. You’ll have to read the book to learn that). And everyone has fun along the way. But there are still the Wicked Witches of the West he has to deal with, and they leave no stone unturned as they do all that is humanly possible to derail him. The strategy Derrick comes up with is real enough. It helped me, but don’t get the wrong idea. This book isn’t about me. It’s about all of us! That’s right. I make this claim because all of us have worked retail at some point. In fact, I’ll go so far as to lay claim that everyone will find at least one scenario in my book they will relate with. And while you’re reading ‘Who’s Minding the Store,’ I bet you’ll be smiling.
I’m not trying to be too forthright. I’m merely reflecting on the memories I have when I worked in a big-box home improvement store with a great bunch of people. And I’m sure when you have similar reflections, you’ll be smiling too.
Who’s Minding the Store can be ordered through your local bookstore,, direct from my website at
Keep on reading, and I’ll keep on writing!

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